The Hot air balloon was held on 19 till 22nd of March 2009 @ Putrajaya. It was a very hot day. We plan to go to the Bird Park but seem the Hot Air Balloon event was the 1st time in Malaysia so we detour our plan. Was only 5 of us on the trip. They were the OSS team (cute me Save, Azrul, Razak) , June and Oniel.
We need to be there as early as 7 am. I am the person who in charge to fetch Oniel and azrul will fetch June. I tot is so impossible the event will start at 7am. But guess wat... they really start at 7am. Below some of the pictures taken by me and the other professional photographer....

The balloons start flying around 7.30am. Im lucky got the chance to see how they make the balloons as hot as they can fly high. hehehhehehe

Lots of professional photographer taking pictures using their advance gadget . Almaklum lah my camera that im using just the cute digital camera. But im happy at least the result not bad wat ;)

Nice scenery with the big peacock.

All the balloons are starting to fly high. People are crowded watching them flying high. Guys can u see that. The long needle... kekekekk carefully dont hit it. Once u hit u be fly faster kekekke=))

Alamak ade balloons yang berlaga lak. Its the clown balloons.....

That me...... kekekekekke but i look like a preggy lady with that dress.... saba je lah :)

The OSS team with Oniel. From the right Azrul ( he is the network and security guy) alamak pakcik senyum ilang mata.... That that me the sweet girlish me kekekkekek than Oniel the Engineering Manager and the last not least its Razak our Server and database administrator. As i always terkacau and tergodek his server and dbase. Wat can i say im the programmer. Razak susah sikit nak senyum. But when he smile he look sweet as he a nice guy.

And here the macho guy. June from Philippine . The 4 macho guys that menemankan a sweet and gedik gal kekekke that me :)

The gedik and so sweet gal... This picture taken by June. Wat can i say... cant say much... Should be a model lah. kekekkekeke but wonder ade ke modeling agency want me ... hehehehheh ;)

I Like this picture. kekekkeke nak gelak lah dulu... hahahahhaha i like this picture coz my leg look slim... tak gedabak lah sangat... saba je lah kan... while waiting for azrul to fetch us to jalan-jalan round putrajaya :)

Like this picture too.... But kasut tak matching lah... kekekkeke.... acting as preggy lady while June are jumping like mad.... Infrom of the PM building......

Aksi-aksi mlompat...... Sapa lompat paling tinggi....... kekekek and jauh and melayang.....
Pakcik Azrul nie memang raja lompat jauh tang masa sekolah rendah... hasil lompatan nye tak dapat eden nak ngomen.. hehehhehehe

Tang makcik nie alkisah badan berat sangat... cant say much lompat tinggi tak kemana lah... but we were haping fun. Hope so.... Im was having fun that day... Hope them too.... Soo we be attacking the Bird park... Soooonn....