Thursday, November 19, 2009

Found something good

This is LIFE is too short to cater HATRED in our hearts..

2009 an adventure year

I have been missing my blog. Yes,there lots of things happen to me in this year 2009. It too fast for me. Alhamdulillah I get what i want but there always the good and the bad. It always come together. Its a package. And there a lot of dates to remember.

I still love what I get from Allah. I really thanks Him with all the Blessing that He gave me. As i always remember "He wont test His ummat as He know how much His ummat can take it." So all of the test that i receiving now know i can handle it as I have a trust on Him.


Why life is like this.... things are very unpredicted and i sometimes cant control my self. How to be a prefect person. How to make every person happy. Im trying my best. Sometimes i lost control. Ya Allah help me to be a perfect person to everyone specially the person i love. I want me my self to blend with others and they can accept me with what i am.

I try my best to blend with people as people can accept me. And to my friends that know me, I am like this a happy go lucky person, with mengada-mengada and gatal-gatal type of person. Sometimes I keep on thinking am I bad? ( Razak said still acceptable...... and Azrul cakap above everage tak lah over2)???But still I am mengada-ngada and gatal-gatal type of person. Mesti kalau org luar yang dont know me they will menyampah at me :(. Teruk sangat ke kite nie :(. Yes I do need to change mengikit pertukaran status dan usia yagn kian meningkat. I'm trying my best it just take times.

I think i need a new environment to change myself. To be more professional and mature. Most of the company that I join they accept me and memanjakan I and I never change. I need a new beginning to change my attitude. So although I'm still in current company with the same environment but I try to be mature and more professional... But how..... Every one here know who I am and how I am. Maybe start from dressing and the way I talk. Talk softer and reduce gelak. Maybe reduce gelak. My gelak is so not mature. Ok I will update from time to time about my changes.
" Ya Allah, Help me to change myself to be a better person" Amin