Today I felt such so bored. Yes I know it’s quit sometimes I didn’t update my blog. And guess what I travel a lot lately and my skin turn to so brownish “U look so brownish” as Paco and Awa said. Hehehheheh what to do… I’m already brown and that can’t be change. And another one thing… today I felt so guilty to a lot of people. Hahahhahah… what I can afford to do is just smile and follow the wave kan kan kan…… There always a reasons for thing to happen. Life is full with sunshine and flowers… Just enjoy it . Ok I will start my story with my Sarawak adventure….
Sarawak Oh Sarawak.
My flight was in the middle of the nite. And I’m so lucky that a good friend of mine willingly to send me and fetch to and from KLIA ( hmmm don’t know lah if he willingly ke or terasa im forcing him) but thanks a lot Pakcik Asri. Reach there around 1 am on 1st September. I landed on Kuching Land at last. Was so excited seeing Sab with her boyfriend (Faizal). As usual lah kan, when we met tak ingat dunia punye. With the gelak sakan and the story morry. From the airport, continue in the car till we reach kedai kopi minum and at sab house to we have lots thing to talk about. Sometimes I wonder ,I do always call her nearly every week and told her lots of my story but when we meet pun there never ending story. Ade je nak dicerita.
Suke suke akibat nye duke…. When we reach at Sab’s house there was a big news. I was damn shock. Speechless for few minutes. It was a pulse….. . Then I keep asking her why why why… why now… why so fast… I was in a trauma when she told me that news….The form was already taken and it still in the car. uwaaaa….. then she told me “Save some of my close friend yang tau they congrats me… but u?”. I cant accept that news yeat. Sedih later I be alone. Tak de org I nak call in the middle of the nite to tell all my problems and my daily routine. (Later yg menjadi mangsa tengah malam receive my call will be adik kesayangan ku Aida. Sorry aida )Sedih……. But at last I have to accept the truth and the reality….. So hard for me but this is life. Think at her side. She will have someone to take care of her and someone make her happy and the most important thing is security. She needs that since staying alone at that house and lots of thing happen at that house. SO she need that. “ Sab Im so happy for you. I really really happy for you. I am Sab.” Heheheheh. From the bottom of my heart . But as usual Im so sad of my self…… Falzal just good take care of Sab.
The morning we pack to start for our first stop. Serikin. Wow was a long journey taking us abt 2-3 hour travelling on Sab cute MyVi. Sape lagi yang drive, we have a good driver. Good with road kekekekek Pakcik Faizal kite. And Sab have a new title…. Lyrics Inspector. All of us in the car love to song. Biasalah ade yag salah lyrics. As Sab around when Kite orang salah lirik… ish…. Rasa serba salah lak nak nyanyi.. But the long journey was so fun. Enjoyable with the lots of jungle view left and right but the worst part was when we were driving behind a big lorry….. boring. Tak leh bawak laju. Serikin was for shopping. Cheap stuff. Before I came I told sab, I only can spend RM 100 at Sarawak….. But I spent RM200 at Serikin only… uwaaa… but worth buying. Bought lots of gift for my family member.
I cant write much, but base on the picture i uploaded you guys will know the journey....

At Serikin shopping.... Mesti lah kene bergambar.... My beloved sab...... hehehehhe Siap ade payung lagi tu. Maklum lah panas banget....

Nengok kain lah pulak. But was quit impress the goods there was so cheap..... You can get a good fabric there with a very good price. As i said i should only can spend only RM100 in Sarawak... but want can I say... Save will always be Save... kekekekke =))

Almaklum lah dekat nak raya. Sab was looking at the porcelain for Kek Sarawak that need to be served on Raya... hehehehhe berangan lah tu.... Umah pun kosong....

Makcik Sab.... Lenggang kangkung. Kurus gak sab nie....

Chak... ba..... Love this picture. So sesuai.

Model jalanan wanna be........ The correct way to Kuching ....

Wow..... Wat an action

Me and Sab...... At one of the park there.... Small and sweet place.... Tempat bergambar je...

Berangan-angan.... Lihat langit yang biru....

Sab and her latest buat hati..... He will be the ONE.... Insyallah.... Always pray for you guys


Bau..... Lihat dibelakng...... Ade model tambahan yg pemalu... ;))

Pasar yang bersih....

Nenas yang comel....

Gunung Gading Adventure...... After praying Asar & Zohor at one of the mosque there we continue our journey to Gunung Gading. Penat makcik oooo. After the tiring shopping and eating then the climbing start... Almaklumlah nak kene bakar calories.... To enter the Gading Park the fees was RM15 kot. but kekekke kan kite org nie muke anak anak remaja. and muke muke seposen.. So we told the uncle... we are student..... kekekekkeke=)). The we get discounted . Bayo RM5.00... Nak wat cam ne.... Budget traveler.... Not Budget lah proper words kot "Sengkek Traveler'

Kera-kera sesat...... Nak berhayut but wat can we say.... the root cant support our weight.. hehheheheheheh...

Memanjat Tangga yg mencabar...... Mencabar!!!!!!!!! Have to think hard abt that..... Saba je lah kan.... Pakai skirt lagi nak gunung...... Sapa ade buat ooooo

The sweet couple...... Faizal nak renew his lesen.... Upgrade kata nye... Hope tak de ara melintang for u guys nak buat and renew lesen.... Im so happy for u... Sedondon biru gitu.....

Pokok Cempedak yang sangat tinngi... Banyk lah tu buanh nye...

After the climb..... Sweating like hell..... Basah kuyup ooo...... Membakar lemak yg amat banyak..... We do it again soon. But that time will properly lah....

Chess...... Been there..... Lupe lak nak engrave my name kat sana....

Cute kan..... Really love this couple
After the climbing.... now we found a nice peaceful place. The beach..... Cantik sangat the beach.... Tak bawak extra baju je... If bawak for sure we will landing berendam like cute baby hippo... kekekek nak wat cam ne. We all are so cute.... cant say much.... kekekke

Up Up and Away......... Power Puff Girl ;)

The beach.... Nice beach..... Bercanda di pantai yang indah......kekekek

Pecal nie nak terbang gak..... Melarikan diri dari gadis-gadis yang sangat ayu..... Tak tahan kata nye....

Putih and gebu nye sab nye betis.... Susah ooo kite org nak tunjukkan besti yg cun ini... Nasib baik tak close up... kang nampak pulak bulu bulu yang bertaburan....... dan tak lupe juga bulan bintang yang berkelipan....

Matahari sangat panas....... Terpaksalah posing with her new sun glasses baru..... She seldom wear her glasses that we bught in Vincci that was the last time she visited KL. This is the time to wear an show opp...

Im lost.......... Tolong!!!!!!!!!!!

Again the cute couple....... I cant put all the pictures of them in FaceBook as it should be a secret... Only can put it in my blog..... Sapa lah nak baca my blog kan...... Love them so much.... Mush mush mush

Im Malaysian... but still to enter Sarawak we had to have visa..... This the visa....... Saba je lah kan...

Umah sab yang sangta beso with a high end security.... High end high end pun stilll.... Pencuri nie ade je kat memana kan.... Her MyVi and her bro's jeep...... Jeep tu suke 'kencing'

In library.... UNIMAS Library... kekekekekek cant take pic at Sab Opis... maklum lah the data center kan....

One of the lake at Unimas.... Siap ade jambatan gantung lagi

Been there... UNIMAS

Up Up and away..... Lupa lak where this picture taken.... Tapi dekat lah ngan Sab's mum House....

Sungai Sarawak. That time there we having a boat feast. ramai lah org..... H1N1 pun tak kisah.... So we just jalan2 cari makan je....

The people.....

Bontot ayam bakar..... Wow i remember sue like this bontot ayam.... One of the days that Sab visit to Kl she bring this exclusively for sue... Kat semenanjung mana ade. But sorry lah pulak i cant take bontot ayam.... I pun dah byk cakap tak berhenti... i makan lagi lah..... Only GOD knows....

In the boat. The kids..... No safety jacket at all..... Dangerous but still the villagers using the boat. The fee only RM0.40cent je....

This Uncle eksen je dayung... actually there a machine that move the boat

At last the I visited the Temple..... Never in my life masuk n visit Temple now i can say i done that. From the day 1 i requested to visit a temple at last i got it. hehehehehh Muara temple...

View from the top of the temple

Banyak lah colok2 dea. Sab cant stand the smell so we didnt spent time there....

Me and the Temple....

Again the temple view

Forget the name e of the river. Pecal said there were a kid killed eaten by a crocodile. They still cant find the body of the kid nor the crocodile.... But I wonder, if there alot of crocodile in the rever why there still alot of people staying ther... Pelik kan..... There a housing area there and people still build houses.....

Me again.... Waiting for the crocodile.......ekekkeke

We visited sab sister at UITM. Siti Nordiana. She do look same Sab and as funny as Sab too.... Like sister like sister lah...... We have our Zohor at her room before we drive to Santubung....

Crazy post... Biler lagi

Memalukan diri tengah panas....... We had to park and cross the road just to take this picture... kekekke as im outsider kureng le kemaluannye..... kekekek

At rumah kebudayaan... Now im at the Chinese house.....

Perempuan gatal... kekekekkekekek..... geli lak.....


Rumah Melayu.... kene post bebaik and ayu2 lah pulak... kekek=))

Playing Congkak with one of the Makcik..... elsyen je tu.... just for the picture ;)

kat umah orang Ulu.... My GOD the stairs was damn scary....... Oily n small n really hope can support us.. kekekkekek Ade one of the stairs yang memang menakutkan... I have to climb as sab forcing me.. Masa nak turun hanya tuhan je yang tau.....

Sab resting peacefully ;)

Me organg Ulu????????? have to think really hard tho... kekekekekke

Really like the wall painting..... Unique and creative....

The uncle teaching me how to play the so call piano... kekekekek tak tau lah wat the name of the instrument

Hi every one.... Thanks foe the support ;))....

Minah memasak kat dapo.....

Find me please..... kekekkekeke lebih kurang je warne ye...

Turun Tangga pun nak bergamb.saba je lah....

hello .............I paid RM60 hinngit for sure i will use it wisely... Ape lagi mestilah bergumbira with the dancer... Biler lagi.... hahahahahahahhah Muke tak malu nak wat cam ne ;)

One of the beach at Sandakan.... Comel kan to see the kids playing with each other

Me too.... mestilah playing tooo..... Jumping like no one cares......

Last days was Museums... penas membara... Lucky the Museums were to each other. Walking distance.... and guess wat its FREE.... I Like.... but this time i didnt upload pictures... banyak giler tapi cukup lah yeah...

Do u dare to eat ta this type of hawker food place....... hehehheh here in Sarawak they are really Malaysian...... One malaysian.... I dont mind eating kat mana2 pun as long i tak was was......

Lupe lak... I does take alot of picture with the cats... Kuching miau miau miau........ Comel as a cat toooo

The cats love me......

Bergamba tepi jalan boleh tak.... kekekekkek =))

The day off back to KL....... Saying bye to Sab... Will miss her again and again and again....
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