This is LIFE is too short to cater HATRED in our hearts..
All of us do have own flavor. And this flavor keep on changing depends on the situation. Some times it can be as sweet as candy, as sour as lime as spicy as red hot chilly. I wanted to share will all what flavor that in me. Enjoy…
Thursday, November 19, 2009
2009 an adventure year
I have been missing my blog. Yes,there lots of things happen to me in this year 2009. It too fast for me. Alhamdulillah I get what i want but there always the good and the bad. It always come together. Its a package. And there a lot of dates to remember.
I still love what I get from Allah. I really thanks Him with all the Blessing that He gave me. As i always remember "He wont test His ummat as He know how much His ummat can take it." So all of the test that i receiving now know i can handle it as I have a trust on Him.

Why life is like this.... things are very unpredicted and i sometimes cant control my self. How to be a prefect person. How to make every person happy. Im trying my best. Sometimes i lost control. Ya Allah help me to be a perfect person to everyone specially the person i love. I want me my self to blend with others and they can accept me with what i am.
I try my best to blend with people as people can accept me. And to my friends that know me, I am like this a happy go lucky person, with mengada-mengada and gatal-gatal type of person. Sometimes I keep on thinking am I bad? ( Razak said still acceptable...... and Azrul cakap above everage tak lah over2)???But still I am mengada-ngada and gatal-gatal type of person. Mesti kalau org luar yang dont know me they will menyampah at me :(. Teruk sangat ke kite nie :(. Yes I do need to change mengikit pertukaran status dan usia yagn kian meningkat. I'm trying my best it just take times.
I think i need a new environment to change myself. To be more professional and mature. Most of the company that I join they accept me and memanjakan I and I never change. I need a new beginning to change my attitude. So although I'm still in current company with the same environment but I try to be mature and more professional... But how..... Every one here know who I am and how I am. Maybe start from dressing and the way I talk. Talk softer and reduce gelak. Maybe reduce gelak. My gelak is so not mature. Ok I will update from time to time about my changes.
I think i need a new environment to change myself. To be more professional and mature. Most of the company that I join they accept me and memanjakan I and I never change. I need a new beginning to change my attitude. So although I'm still in current company with the same environment but I try to be mature and more professional... But how..... Every one here know who I am and how I am. Maybe start from dressing and the way I talk. Talk softer and reduce gelak. Maybe reduce gelak. My gelak is so not mature. Ok I will update from time to time about my changes.
" Ya Allah, Help me to change myself to be a better person" Amin
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