Before i create this blog i was thinking what i wan to achieve in 5 years time.....
If i married or not? Hmm let say I get married wow my life will be totally different. I wont need to think about my self that time I will be thinking about my family, my kids and my hubby. Life that time will be completed. I think it would be so wonderful.
If in not married hmmm I need to focus in my own life. My career, my happiness, and my money:). So this is the list I need to accomplish within 5 years.
Traveling :
Wanted to visit my sister awa and her hubby paco. At least celebrate Aidilfitri with them.
Umrah with my parents.
Wanted to go to Middle East country. Some times I wonder how the Iran, Iraq people survive in their daily routine. I wanted to be there and feel it ;)
Wanted to work in somewhere different from my country. Have a new environment mix with the local people. That would be nice. Start a new and fresh life. Wanted to have a simple life there.
Reading :
I wan to read. At least a book in a year. Or Want to make a reading as a hobby.
I wan to khatam Al-Quran once a year and read the tafsif Al-Quran so I do know and understand the contains of Al-Quran.