I really wanted to write about the ghost story few weeks back. But I can’t really find the time to write. It Happen to me a few weeks back. About 3 weeks back. That time I was nomad from my friend house to other friend house. Hmmmm can’t say much about being nomad. Insyallah next year February I am staying in my own house. yeah!!!! No worry I will have a house warming again and wont forget to invite u guys .

As my mum always said that I am a person tak kuat semangat. The first time it happens to me was about 10 years back at a camping. As usual lah kan I am a person who really like to kutip-kutip bende yang pelik-pelik when I walk around. So that time I didn’t kutip any weird thing but I petik and kumpul kan bunga-bunga lalang. It was a very nice and pretty flower. Can’t resist it.
That nite I was damn sleepy and when I sleep I had a weird dream. The dream was so real and a scary one too. I wake up at I felt so nervous but still so sleepy. Everyone around me was already sleeping. When I wanted to continue sleep I felt something so heavy on top of me. I can’t even move my body even my little finger. I was damn terrified I read all the Ayat kursi and other short surah that I can remember. I don’t how I manage to wake up and sleep back again. But I remember I sleep again with the surah Yassin in my arm. This is how it started. I wont forget it.
Now days I can have the feeling if it going to happen to me. When we used to it we will be prepared. How good we prepare but if it wants to happen it happen. It happens to me at hometown, my parents house, my own house at puchong, nearly everywhere I stay. As people said “sekali dah kene akan selalu kene”,its correct. I think alhamdulillah I only saw it once when I was at my hostel room in UTM. A very dark black hairy animal.
Ok about 3 weeks back, I was staying at my friend house. For 2 days. The first nite it came in a dream and as usual after I had the dream I akan kene hempap. But this time not that bad. Maybe I used to it kan. Read the ayat-ayat alquran then it gone. Just to share, when it hempap and I struggle to get out from it, I felt like ages to get out from it. But in a real time it’s only a few minuts je. Tapi penat teramat sangat. The 2nd night was ok.
At the 2nd house was a bit worse. Not worse in term of kene himpap but the feeling. My friend she invited me to stay with her as her hubby outstation. I was staying in the guess room. It’s very nice room. I had a good sleep but early in the morning I wake up around 6am to we-we. I wanted to continue my sleep, but this time I didn’t sleep a normal way (meaning my hear at resting at the head bed), tido songsang sikit, melintang. I had a weird dream. They’re a kids running in the house with their grandparents. Pelik rasanye, than I wake up. I try to close my eyes , guest what…… I can felt something climb on the bed, as I was still laying I can felt that the mattress tu melendut as ade org naik on the bed, I was damn takut, and I can felt that it laying beside me. Terasa tangan sebelah kanan bergesel with it. That time I cant move al all. Dah kene himpap. And I can felt that it laying beside me. I was Ya Allah scared, terrified and semua lah, I don’t even dare to move y face to my right. Who knows kan. I read surah kursi and all the short surah.Alhamdulillah I was released after that. Takut sangat, why I said im damn terrified coz I can felt the movement on the bad when it wanted to lay down and I felt it beside me. Hmmmmm… What can I do. What I hope, that it wont bother in other form. Hempap hempap nie I still can accept……
kita pun selalu kena dulu.. but now alhamdulillah tak penah lagikena.. ada one time, terasa rambuk kena tarik.. and one time tu, dengar orang mendengus kat dlm bilik.. mcm2 jugak la..
tapi ada jugak orang cakap overstress.. or something wrong with ruang udara lam bilik la apa la.. wallahualam.
ish kalau bebunyi2 tu lagi scarry kan. Tp farrah i really can rase tak bergesel lengan and can rase tilam tu melendut... takut giler lah. but i just hope tak nampak n tak dengo je... kekekekekkeke
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