It’s a very good even. Although it didn't take 2 or 3 days it really benefits me. Lots thing I know abt health.... maybe ;).
As I won’t be long working here, and my boss didn’t give me anything much to do and most of my report for PRM and BI done without any issue. Alhamdulillah. I really take advantage from this event and I spent times at the lobby foyer. Almaklumlah kan usually I don’t dare to lepak-lapak lelama.
The first time in my life I donate my blood. God.... I was damn scary to see the needle that being poke to my hand. Ala for the small needle to check my blood type it makes me scared tooo... I am AB blood type. hehehheh No wonder I have everything in me.....
Type O -- calm, patient, in control of their emotions, strong-willed, unyielding and full of self-confidence despite a quiet appearance.
Type A -- reserved, mild-mannered, full of worry, indecisive, cautious, deeply moved by things, uncombative and self-sacrificing.
Type B -- cheerful, independent, light-hearted, talkative, sensitive, sociable, caring and flamboyant.T
ype AB -- Group B on the outside, but group A on the inside.
It’s so true..... I look happy and cheerful from outside but in the inside no one knows kan......
Then I did the health test. The Chinese traditional method. The sengseh uncle said I have some problem with my blood cycle. He is a Chinese guy from China. He was confidently speaked Chinese to me. Weird.... do I look like Chinese... if I have a fair skin I do understand lah but my skin brownish only my eyes a bit sepet like Chinese. kekekkekek then I call the other uncle sitting beside the sengseh uncle to translate it to me. Lawak lah. The same goes to the uncle who massage me (massage for free wat ;)). When he massages my friend, he was looking at me and talking Chinese to me. Telling me about the problem with my friend nye back bone. I’m confuse with the uncles from China nie.... kekekekkekekek. Agak nye orang-orang cina kat China tu pun ade yg ala-ala muke cam I kot….
I’m proud donating my AB blood today. Proud to be Malaysian.
I'm B type blood.
I'm cheerful, independent, light-hearted, talkative, sensitive, sociable, caring and flamboyant.
aiyo...apa nie outside and inside...
i'm Type A -- reserved, mild-mannered, full of worry, indecisive, cautious, deeply moved by things, uncombative and self-sacrificing.... not mild mannered and not so full of worry..so bukan betul wan la
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