After sending Sab to KL central, I went to pay some bills and drove direct to One Utama. I like the MPH there. Its big with lots of book. When I was with TV3, I always went there to read free books. Now cant. Ok my main purpose was to buy book on ASP. But cant really find the book as not a new technology anymore. Hehheheh what can I say I'm not so IT person, but with the new job, I need to do lots of programming. As I cant find the book, I found mySQL. Im not very good with Sql either so wat hell, I just buy it. I never think twice to buy this type of book but when it comes to story book I be very stingy to buy one. Hmmmmmm. So this the MySQL book that I bought
After done paying the cashier told me that they are having a sale near the Baskin Robbins. Ok why not just look around. I was planning to buy some motivation book. I already finish reading all the books that I bought last year. Not bad the sales. I saw this book Travelog Haji. I remember my mum told me “Just buy books about Umrah and Hajj although you are not going, Insyallah Allah will open your heart and help you in your financial”. I just look thru the book. Not intended to buy I.... Then I search and search other motivation book, but my mind was with that book at the end I bought it.
This book was all about a Phd Dr who went for Hajj with his wife and sisters. He doesn't even know how to read the Quran. His journey to Mekkah was so special. Some of the chapter was really make me cry. Its not a dramatic book with all the tragic bad, tragic thing happen. It was a a very good book, a very special journey for them. I really like the book. It teach me a lots of thing about hajj and umarah. Because of thos book, I ask my mum to follow me to perform umrah this August. In the first place I was planning to go alone, as my financial is not that good. After I read the book I got an idea how to get some money to bring along my mum.I finish it in a day. I really love that book. Read it. Its a good book
bkn basirul la save..bashirul..pakcik yang sungguh baik hati hehe..
yeah pakcik yg sangat baik hati kan sab..... A very nice guy. tak saba nak tunggu awak turun KL lagi sab... kekekekke kite dah berangan nak makan mana kekekekekek=)) jangan marah ;)
alamak! ter'syiok' pulak baca blog akak. hehehe... nk pinjam buku travelog haji tu..! heee :o
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