Friday, January 29, 2010

Lady In Pink

I love myself. I don't know why lately i always depress and the sadness fill me, actually past few months already. With all the unhappy feeling inside that cant bring it out and it make me depress. But as usual I always project a happy face for other. ( sometimes the sadness still can be read on my face) When people see you are in happy mood they will be happy too. Such like a mirroring.

I bough a book yesterday. A religious book called " Supaya Gelisah Berniali Ibadah" I start reading it last night. However I'm not seriously reading it. Just as my bedtime book. But the next morning that is today before i off to my office I read it through again. Again I didn't read it follow the correct chapter just jumping here and there. Base on the reading it make me think, what I have now its not mine. Its below to the GREAT CREATOR. What we have now only temporary and it not below to us. So why should i felt sad or frustrated or depress with the bad things that we received from Him. He just give it to us for temporary for us to remember Him. For us to Thank Him for what He have gave to us. When think about that it makes my day. I thanks to ALLAH with what He gave me. Although I think its a burden, but each burden that He gave me, He also gave me a Great Gift.

As it change my mood, I make my self to have a happy mood today. Alhamdulillah with the great sunny morning. I'm wear pink today. From my head scarf to my new dress ( pink dress i bought for rm10.00) till the shoes that I am wear. Its pink.... So sweet. I'm happy and hope it will last.


ieza98 said...
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abd. halim hadi said...

"travel blogger crossing.. fast but fun reading"

Saverinea said...

thanks for dropping by :)....

Saverinea said...

thanks for dropping by :)....