I was so excited at first to update my blog. Can’t wait to reach home. I know once I reach home the house will be untidy but I have one spot that I already clean up... the master bedroom.... but hmmm.......geram......nye... the bedroom too is untidy... need to clean up the mess. I know they want to change the door. but please lah clean up the mess too. Just think where ur sister will be sleeping when the only clean space in mess. When she took the TV she never thinks about me... It always about her. Just think if u take the TV and i be staying alone and i dont have any entertainment at
home. And at ur side without TV u have a husband that will always with u while waiting for the other TV being repaired... Now for 2 week already im staying without TV. Sedih...sangat. I never complain to her. If I do pun, she will answer me without respect. I can imagine what her answer that can hurt my feeling and I still won’t get the TV kekekek

The room should be as clean like this... but now... uwaaaa.........
When she moved out too, she didn’t really clean up the house. I have to do the cleaning. The kitchen with all the plates and everything at all out, her stuff still in the house. Wore drop is in mess. When she wanted to move in, she wants it urgent. i gave the house to her in a good condition. Although I was so hurt that time when she requested for the house. Less than a week notice. Pity my housemate. How sad I am I still give the house. The house is damn clean as I already paid Indonesian gals to clean the house clean and clear before the owner came home for holiday. It’s only about 2 month before she move it. So the house so clean.
As I remember when I rent out my own apartment to the guys I did clean my house to make sure its clean and they will be comfortable living in it. I really hope this time when I move in back they will do the same. Please……
eh, kalau nak cari orang clean kan rumah, i ada contact...but filipino la...15 ringgit sejam.3jam minimum....let me know k? at least tak payah susah susah nak clean
nak nak... what her number?
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