It’s nearly 2 years after the visit to Dubai. It was the most memorable holiday and the best holiday I ever had. I missed Dubai so much, cant wait to go there again. I don’t any one there but I felt that I have the bond. Rindu sangat. The weather the environment the people and everything about Dubai. The first day at dubai, I met a new friend. He was being nice to me. Orang buat baik kite balas baik lah. He brings me around a short tour in Dubai. He showed me around the beach, at Jumeirah I think. Cantik giler lah the beach. Dah lah sejuk giler. I hate beach (as usual lah dah lah panas and make me dark kan) but (was on early 1st January musim sejuk) it was sejuk when the wind blow best nye. The wave and the sand such so beautiful. SubahannaAllah, cantik sangat. Wish I can swim that time tapi segan lah pulak nantie kang what will the people say kan.

Taken directly after i took the cab from the airport. Muke bangun tido.....
View from my window hotel
Senja from my hotel. Not that senja lah around 5pm kot
Then he bring me to the market opposite my hotel. Was staying at St George Hotel. I like the market. Lots of traditional stuff and unique things. I like those unique stuff, but my purpose go there just to have fun not shopping so I didn’t buy lots of things. The market was so crowded with human. Then we had lunch and we took boat to cross the creek back to the hotel just opposite the creek. It cost 50cent je. Cheap kan. To cross the creek not that far lah. Abt 1km je kot. But if we drive just to cross the creek wow it takes hours as the jam in dubai teruk giler. He send me back to the hotel and I had some rest. Around petang I walk around the hotel area. Visiting the herbs market, the market that near my hotel je, walking distance. In front the hotel seems like a port for fisherman and hantar2 barang lah. Biler petang tu kan ramai yang berpusu2 kat sana. With the birds, tak tau lah burung ape and the sea smell. As a female tourist that traveling alone, I felt comfortable. Macam selamat je lah. A muslim country and im wearing head scarf so maybe they do respect me tak kacau2.
Jalan- Jalan petang hari... Depan St George hote.

Opposite the creek, ade masjid. But tak sempat solat sana.
But I was quit shock when I went into a small kedai runcit. All were guys inside the kedai runcit. Segan nye… malu sangat. I do understand it’s a muslim coutry kan women maybe day time tak kuar. Tot I wan to have some food in the simple restaurant ala-ala warong kan, but my god semua lelaki. For sure lah I tak masuk kedai. Since I know day time the women wont be around, for the week in Dubai I tak take lunch. Diner usually with my new friends. So tak lah segan sangat, with the local kan. And for breakfast I ate alot and tapau my breakfast from the hotel and my lunch I ate the break that I took from the breakfast tu je. I just jenjalan and eat on the road lah. That the best part traveling alone. No need to worried about others. Alhamdulillah while I was there, I met some new friends that really help me in my transportation. Budget betol lah.

Infront of the oldest mosque at Jumeirah. There was a death that time so ade masjis tahlil kot ala-ala camtu lah so i dont manage to get in the mosque

Nice kan the Burj Al Arab... But too expensive to be there. Dari jauh je lah
And I travel with the public transportation. The bus to Sharjah, the boat to cross the creek the taxi. Kat Sharjah kan masa petang kan ramai orang at the bus station. Remind me the time when I was schooling at klang. Ambik bus balik umah sekolah petang. Dah maghrib kan banyak burung pulang and the sound kan, exactly same like at Sharjah. Tapi tak de burung , ramai org je lah. Takut tu for sure as im alone kan but alhamdulilah nothing happen. At SSharjah I visited about 4 to 5 museums. There have more then 10 kot, tapi tak sempat nak wat cam ne. At one of the musium I met this one uncle. The guy who take care the house of Naboodah. Bait al Naboodah. He was so nice to me. Showing here and there, tell me the story abt the house, there were other tourists but he was focusing on me. I felt serba salah gak so I joint with the other tourist for him to entertain the others too. At the end of the visit he invite me to have some tea with him. Uncle kan I felt guilty to reject so I accept the invitation. We have a very nice tea in his office. He makes it himself. Guna fresh milk lagi tu. I don’t drink milk but it was yummy sedap entah apa dea dah jampi. Kekekekke. We had a small chat. He told me abt his family so I told him mine too. A very nice uncle and I called him Uncle Muhamad Thani. I still contact him. He still calls me once a while. My mum do worried when I told her abt him, takut pakcik tu berkenan kat anak dea nie. Kekekkeke… I respect him as uncle kan so I’m not worry. He invited me to come there and he willing to pay the expenses. Giler ape ke. I reject bebaik insyallah when I have the correct timing and the money is ok I will be visiting him again. Another thing that I like at Sharjah was the people. When I was praying the mosque kat the town kot make me like the people. I pray for zohor 1st then asar berjemaah. When Asar time the woman make the barisan so I joint one of the group. All were wearing black. Their pudrah and jubah. Only me wearing my telekong putih gitu, so obvious lah im not local. Masa sembahyang tu kat maybe I regerak sikit so tak bersentuh bahu and ade gap between, the gal next to me pull me closer to her making sure there is no gap. That is the correct way. Making sure no gap in between so the setan tak kacau. I was quit shock, kalau kat sinie kan when I pray berjemaah kan, setiap sorang ade sejadah sendiri, so no one masuk sejadah org lain. It shows that ade sesangat lah gap tu. Rindu sangat the moment masa solat kat sana. Still can remember the environment in the mosque the pretty, sweet faces of arab gals and their politeness. Hmmmm Insyallah I will visit again.

Bait Al Naboodah. The house of Naboodah family. One of the museum

Just a pic.... Maybe the Al Naboodah nye head kot.... Lupe lah gamba apa nie ...
Boys were playing football infron of the museum. Macam ade housing area je...

One of the fort kat Sharjah

I kat one of the bigest Mall in Dubai yang ade Ice Skating. Lupe lah nama mall tu. hmmm...
I went to the desert too. Kat mana ha, sempadan Oman and UAE. Wow best giler with the jeep. Macam naik roller coaster. Best lah. Sempat lah menjerit menjerit sakan. My trip there was with a Kenya family. As I’m alone kan than the tourist guide put me with the Kenya family. They were a very nice people. They have 2 kids gal and boy. At least I’m not alone in that trip. After the roller coaster journey, we went back to Dubai. I had a camel journey. Naik camel lah pulak. While im there, I have to try everything kan. I wear the women’s costume ala-ala perempuan arab bermata biru hehehhehehe…. Then the henna. But I put it on my upper arm. So tak lah perasan sangat. And the best part we watch the belly dancing. That why we had to come back to Dubai. Only in Dubai territory, allowed belly dancing and alcohol. Out of Dubai cannot. No wonder in the hotel im staying they have their own nite club and kekekekek lots of sexy gals in and out. Hehehhehe… perasan gak. My friend cakap the gals mostly Russian.
I Love this picture...... cam lawa je kan. kekekekkekek. kat Museum Dubai
Me with the camel... Gigi tajam ooooo
Me as an arab gal...Alim gitu ;)
At the desert... Nak senja masa tu..... After the roller coaster
Banyak tempat lagi I visited, to the ICT center, visits the Al Burj, kat luar-luar je lah. Its not enough for 6 days in dubai. Insyallah soon I will visit dubai again. In my previous post after my visit to Dubai I didn’t tell much abt the visit kan. But still after 2 years its still fresh in my memory. But most of my new friends that I make in dubai dah lost contact. Thanks to them. They really help me a lot and really save my budget. I missed Dubai……..

Will came again... For sure

The Desert Land
The Metropolitan