It was Sunday 3pm 9th November 2008 in Klang. Was driving from zura’s house with my parents after visiting wedding at Sejangkang. Kekekkeek the policeman called me again. At first I refused to answer the call but he called me the 2nd time. Good news. I was shock although I won’t get my money back but I’m satisfied and I quit impress with the Police Malaysia. Congrats Police Bukit Aman by doing a very good job. Tabik spring lah. I really salute you guys. Its quit fast they solve the case. It’s a small case that reported by un-important people and they solve the case. I’m so happy. They caught 5 Negro guys. Hmmmmm those 5 guys are the ones who involve in my Internet fraud case. As I always said “ What go up will come down and what goes around will comes around”. Don’t ever do bad thing to others, as it will come back to you.
I’m happy although I lost quit a sum of money and this really teach me a lesson. In business or real life s we cant really trust each other. I’m happy. Gembira sangat….. I wanted to ask a lot of questions to the policeman but I was driving and my phone battery was low. But I really satisfied with the police, terasa worth-it we pay the income tax.
But today i need to go to the police station again. hmmmm but i told the policeman i dont want to meet them. Scary ohhhh...
hmm.. ke sebab polis tu minat kat awak.. tu yg cepat solve tuh?? heheheh..
kekekkeke... kite pun rase cam gitu gak. kekekkekekekk lawak je. Tak pe, la nie kite byk saman parking dari polis. kekekekkek mana tau polie tu leh burn kan je saman tu.. kekekekkek ;)
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