Since Syawal is still on and kite org tak abis beraya lagi, Puan Sofia kite organize the session. Jalan-jalan beraya sakan. It was held on the Deepawali day. Just jalan-jalan beraya atually. Visiting the bosses’ house. Mengeratkan ikatan silatulrohim. Kutip duit raya for the kids. It was fun. But penat giler. I bring along Luqman and Aecah. They girls we impress that I can handle those two kids. Actually it should be Aliff tapi he doesn’t want. But the truth is I’m damn tired. Penat giler. Dah lah Aecah tu bersemangat wajar kan. Penat Cik Ina dok dokong depa no… But Bangga lah…. Orang cakap Aeceh comel dan amat bersemangat… Nak wat came ne. Tengok lah makcik dea yang comel lagi lawa lagi cute.. kekkekekeke (nak wat cam ne naik lif kan tekan sendiri).
We start the journey at 8.30am. I met Sofia at Petronas Mutiara Damansara. Sofia bring along her husband (Gejoe) and cute son ( Mikael). Comel sangat her son. He seems a very soft and gentle type of boy. To compare with Man and Aliff… Hmmmm bebudak tu sangat ganas.
Aecah yang comel lagi bersemangat. Tengok lengan dea, berlipat lipat gitu.
The first house is Suria nye rumah. Jauh gak lah for me. Suria making Nasi lemak for breakfast. Sepatut nye ade ayam dinding ( I also don’t know at is ayam dindin. Sofia dok cite kehebatan ayam dindin suria). Tapi tak de. Nasib baik tak kempunan batu belah ( ala-ala cinta batu belah kat TV3 tu lah ) She replace it with lots type of sambal. Ade sambal Udang, sambal ikan bilis and sardin. Suria hidang with her brand new dinner set Vantage gitu. Cantik cantik….. English Classic. I like. And not to forget her brand new penghidang lauk yang ade tutup tu. I don’t know wat we call it. She bought at Langkawi. Berbaloi makcik Surianye. That the first time I saw suria husband (Shukri) and her cute son. I fall in love with Adam nye mata. Comel sangat. And he seems a very soft and gentle boy just like Mikael. After all of us there ( Kak Ba and sons ( Zahir and Zafran the boys agak ganas sikit cam Man and Aliff lah), Kak Mie, Aida and her sister) we bergerak to kak Ina house.
Mikael.. A hansome young boy
Comel nye adam. Nak prepare pakai baju raya..... Cute kan.
Adam lagi.... Mengintai dari bawah tangga...
Husband Sofian and the kids. Cam kat nursery je
Kak Ba and her son..... Tengok lah the enviromen of the house. Sekali pandang confirm its a nursery. kkekekekkekek
Wow Kak ina nye umah sangat cantik sekali. Besar and the kids love it. Spacious. Kak Ina’s husband is a businessman(lupe lak his name). Her son satu geng with Mikael. They go to the same nursery. The kids running up and down left and right. Maybe they design it for their kids to dun around. Kak Ina making roti jala for the adults and tuna pasta for the kids. At her house tak sempat merasa any food. The kids too active. Penat nak melayan. I wonder how the parents yang ade ramai anak. Penat nye. It make me think twice to hava kids. Kekekkekek….
Cantik kan.. Comel bebudak nie. best fren....
I like this picture. Terang and nice. At Kak Ina's hall. Actually the lighting masa tu gelap. But suke lah gamba nie....
Around 2pm we bertolak to our boss nye house. Encil Anual. He cooked a lot. Not him lah his wife yang masak. They just got a new baby girl. We bought something for the baby. Her name is Zara. Really love the name. Strong and sweet. This is his 4th princess. No worry En Anual berusaha lagi, who knows the 5th one will be a prince kan. Rezeki, we just don’t know. Im so lucky when we reach En Anual’s house Aecah is sleeping and continue sleeping while Man dah penat. Resting. The other kids pun masa tu semua dah puncit. Giving chance to the parents to makan-makan. I ate a lot there I tried everything. Sedap and pedas. En Anual cakap orang jawa tahan pedas… tak semua kekekkekeke…. 
Kat rumah En Anual. Dea tak de dalam gamba... Wakil his were the daughter and wife. Im damn tired to take picture with them. Dah pancit cant even moreover Aecah dah bangun and she a bit cranky.......
So the next house is the big boss Puan Zue. I cant manage to go. Tired giler. But the others went as most of our officemate were there. Hmmmm Tak dapat bertemu with El’s daughter. His daughter so comel sangat. Tak pelah. I went home dengan keadaan kepenatan and terus pengsan. The mother take care of them. But before that I manage to bring Aliff jenjalan. Pity him tak ikot. Bring him to McDonald…… End of the day…..

Aecah tengah cranky... She not in her mood... LAgi pun i didnt bring along her extra botol susu. kekekke... Do i look fat in this picture. My fren complaining that i look damn fat. Sedih nye.
Thanks Aunie Sofia for the Duit raya. Nak gie McDonald nie ;)
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