Alhamdulillah, at last my 3rd kids delivered in Kuala Lumpur. The first son too was registered in Kuala Lumpur only the daughter in Selangor. She can’t do much she has to stay put in Selangor. Kekekekek….. After 9 months thinking about having him, at last I make it come true. Registered on Friday 7th of November 2008. Conceived on February or march kot. Hmmmm tak ingat lah but most probably in March. Early this year I was thinking much on business. My own business under my name and belongs to me. Fully mine. Alhamdulillah last Friday I make it happen. After lots of reading, thinking and lots of things happen I need to make a starting point for me to make the first step. So this is my first step and this is my milestone to make thing happen my way. When I received his birth certificate I was so happy. Its got my name and my baby name. Insyallah we will do it.
In my family my brother and me love to do business. I’m just the same as my uncle; we have the semangat towards business. He already starts lots types of business till open a factory. But luck is not in his side. He didn’t make it, but he always advice me on business. And adviser. One of his son now doing well in business although he still studying. And I’m too an art lover. I do lots of painting too, I stops when the university offer me Computer Science instead of architecture. (merajuk lah kengkonon masa tu). The love of art come from my dad. He is an artist before. He paints a lot of unique and beautiful drawing. Mostly an abstract painting. So I like art and I do read art from my dad painting. But of cause I don’t know the well-known artist. Kekekkekek. Should I know them.. naa….
Combination art and business, I’m opening a small company that more on batik. Selling and designing batik.
Kembara Sarong……
Why kembara Sarong?
I wanted my son to be a good traveler. I love traveling and I want him to love it too. Travel more than the mommy can afford to do. Feel and expend to the other side of the region. Go as far as possible. There is no limit; I want him to fly as far as he can go. Sarong? Something to cover with. Everything need to cover with something isn’t? … its sarong. I want the sarong to be uniquely design, that why I choose batik. In Malaysia it’s a command things, but not in out of Asia. I’m trying to market my son to Europe, Middle East and to India too. This is my plan for my son. Insyallah I will start running it in January. It will be Internet base. Once I put my web I will inform all.
Although he is not as expensive as my 1st son (my kelisa) or my daughter (my house) but I will make sure it will be at the end it will be the most expensive asset that I ever had. Insyallah. I need to be more serious. (kekekekekekek :p)
In my family my brother and me love to do business. I’m just the same as my uncle; we have the semangat towards business. He already starts lots types of business till open a factory. But luck is not in his side. He didn’t make it, but he always advice me on business. And adviser. One of his son now doing well in business although he still studying. And I’m too an art lover. I do lots of painting too, I stops when the university offer me Computer Science instead of architecture. (merajuk lah kengkonon masa tu). The love of art come from my dad. He is an artist before. He paints a lot of unique and beautiful drawing. Mostly an abstract painting. So I like art and I do read art from my dad painting. But of cause I don’t know the well-known artist. Kekekkekek. Should I know them.. naa….
Combination art and business, I’m opening a small company that more on batik. Selling and designing batik.
Kembara Sarong……
Why kembara Sarong?
I wanted my son to be a good traveler. I love traveling and I want him to love it too. Travel more than the mommy can afford to do. Feel and expend to the other side of the region. Go as far as possible. There is no limit; I want him to fly as far as he can go. Sarong? Something to cover with. Everything need to cover with something isn’t? … its sarong. I want the sarong to be uniquely design, that why I choose batik. In Malaysia it’s a command things, but not in out of Asia. I’m trying to market my son to Europe, Middle East and to India too. This is my plan for my son. Insyallah I will start running it in January. It will be Internet base. Once I put my web I will inform all.
Although he is not as expensive as my 1st son (my kelisa) or my daughter (my house) but I will make sure it will be at the end it will be the most expensive asset that I ever had. Insyallah. I need to be more serious. (kekekekekekek :p)
save.. macamana u tau gender anak2 awak nih?? hmm... curious lah..
corious.... kekekekek..... i tau sbb in the process of making i already set the gender. Maklumlah im the only person yg involve in the making so its my decision.... that the best part ;)
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