Sunday, September 28, 2008

Books to read

A gift from my beloved sister Seri Mawar Jayus... Im not Fat

Hehehhe…. So hard for me to do reading. Just so lazy unless the books best sangat. My sister Awa bought me a book. Size 12 in not fat by Meg Cabot. I just read it halfway. No time lah. Came back from office I’m tired then spend times with the kids and after 10pm is my bed time. So no time. Kekekkeke… I will make time to read Insyallah. In the first part of the section of the story abt death in a dorm.Later once I finish reading I will update it here

To correct my solat.

I bought 2 books. Its for my preparation to Umrah next year. Insyallah. The first one is Pelajaran Solat Lengkap by Ustaz Maftuh Ahnan. It teach you From A to Z how to perform solat. I need this book to make sure the reading and my act( perbuatan) in my solat is correct. This book also teach others solat wajib and sunat. Is a good book. I just start reading it. I do it after my solat.

Preparation for Umrah

And the other book is Panduan Umrah & Ziarah serta Doa by Hj. Ahmad Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar. I don’t know anything how to perform Umrah. Yeah school times were years back and the ustazah do teach it. But wat can I say I forget. It’s a good book. They write in roman writing not in jawi. Other wise so hard for me to read it. But all the Al-Quran ayat in jawi with the ‘baris’ so I can spell and read it.
Actually I’m so scared to go for umrah. I’m worried I’m not ready yeat. I felt I already done lots of bad thing in life. But I hav to think positives, I’m going there to clean up may self, ask forgiveness from Him, and make my self near to Him. Insyallah no bad things will happen to me if my intention to go there good kan. I wan to see the ka’abah and feel near to Him and ask His forgiveness. I’m going there alone again tot wan to bring my parents but it’s over my budget. Insyallah I will bring them to Hajj. Their 2nd Hajj if panjang umur and murah rezeki. Insyallah.

Love this book

And the last book… I didn’t buy pun but I love it. Lunch time I will run to MPH at New Wing One Utama to read this book. Expensive lah the book. Its cost at 65 hinggit. Its ok lah just can read for free wat….
Wanted to felt good being single. Kekekekke the tittle is Better Single then Sorry by Jen Schefft. It’s a very good book. Not only she tell you wat u get being single and also teach you how to tackle the guy u interested. Good lah… worth running to MPH reading it…

1 comment:

Athena said...

aiseh..reading is good mah.. boleh relaks...