I wanted to write abt relationship for quite sometimes but I don’t hav the chance and idea what to write. At my age, I hav been through lots types of relationship. Long and unforgettable relationship, long distance relationship, short, become the 3rd person, different religious & races but at the end of those relationship didn’t ended properly ( marriage) and im still being single as u can see now. But the main thing that im happy and I hav the chance to go through all this experience. And the best part is all the guys are still my friends. Lovers and friend are totally different category
Recently friend asked me some advice. A close friend of mines a really close one. She so excited that now she have someone special. Previously her relationship was with this so called stupid guy who cant make decision abt his future. Im happy that he let my friend go although I know deep inside he suffer( base on her story lah). But the problem now with the new guy is a distance relationship and the guy is workaholic and likes to be alone. Sometimes she confuses either the guy really serious or not. Meanwhile there other guy a ‘duda’ totally older then her( lot older) and rich ( $$ kekekke ) approaching her. She asked me “ What should I do?”. My advice was quit easy. We are getting older and not younger. Just mingle around with all the guys that come around. Be friend with every one. If you just have dinner or lunch with the guy it dosent mean that u will marry him kan?.Base on my previous relationship I was being so nice and faithful with him. Lots of guy approached me I just reject them just because of him. But at the end I lose. Not he have other gal we break off it just because family problem. So I did regret all those nice guy which I rejected. So I don’t wan her to regret. Just be friend to the guys who come along. Maybe one of them is actually meant for you. Make a lot of friends but if u thinks he the special one treat him special. I don’t know lah is it a good advice or not. Kekekkek

Relationship with a married guy. Done that, Been there. I just don’t know maybe coz of my age kot there are a few of married guy approached me. My god! I’m not that desperate. Abit lah but not with married guy. Married guys I think are move brave then the single ones. and they are more charming. Experience kot. May be they known if they were being rejected they don’t lose anything. No harm trying (I think they think like that lah). I wish the single guys did that. I always reject them in a good way. Either I told them I’m married or I’m engage or I’m seeing someone. It’s all a good tricks and its work. The best parts they are still my friends. As a friend I always asked them how their wife and kids. At least they remember that they have big responsible towards the family.
Talking about different races relationship in Malaysia, some of Malaysian is so typical Malaysian I think. We are in a modern and global world. Races are just races. Colors of skin colors of hair. But we are still human. Human are all the same. I have been with Arab, Malay and Indian guys. Guys are guys. No different between others. I have this one friend and I introduce an Iban guy to her. Iban they have a Malay-chinese look. The Iban can speak Malay very well as they are Malaysia too. When she knows that the guy an Iban she was so shock and scolded me. GOD!!! I didn’t ask her to marry him. I just wanted you guys to be friend. Large up the friendship network. Not for you to settle down with him. Hmmmmm people….
Please lah. What I really wan to say here actually open up the mind that we are Malaysian and we should mix with each other as a friends or more. Its not wrong being a friend to a Chinese or Indian or other races. We are Malaysian.
Lots of experience in relationship. All those experience educate me more about life between man and women. I don’t know how to close this topic up but what is it is just having fun with life. We only live once be happy and enjoy what God give us. There always hikmah disebalik nye.
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