Today is the first ramadhan. My parent and me went visiting my granny’s grave. Melawat kubur. Its should be before ramadhan.. bersih bersih kan kubur and sedekahkan al fatihah. But the day before we were quit bz. Almaklumlah zura and her hubby moving in with me. That other story.
We went to my dad side at Sabak Bernam. Lama sangat tak gie visit kubur kat sana and I rase its quit sometimes too I didn’t visit kampung sebelah sabak. If visit for raya pun its always at night and I cant see the surrounding. We visited embah nanang@lanag( embah = granny, nanag or lanang = man) and embah wedok( wedok= women) and sedara-sedara embah nanang. His brothers are buried there too. And not to forget my cousin she past away 8month ago also buried beside his father. The place was so different then the last time I visited. It was about more then 10 years ago. Masa dulu its was a bit scary. Just like in the middle of the jungle with the big old trees and the sound of the birds. Now it’s a bit different. The big tree not there anymore. Chopped town and the graveyard are gated now. It’s clean. I felt tenang and tentaram kat sana. With the wind blow and the bird sound are still there. And the place is not that hot at all. We sedekah kan yassin to embah nanag and wedok. But when I read the surah yassin for embah nanag I felt ghost bum. Seram sikit lah. Maybe when I baca the surah kalang kabut and tak betul panjang pendek. Maybe embah nanang nak tegur kot salah baca. Hehhehe. Terlupa nak cakap abt the batu nisan. The batu nisan was the batu batu lama. Design lama yang bulat bulat tu. My grannys nye batu nisan was with their name aje. Tak de tarikh lahir and meninggal. Then my dad show me his brothers graves. I think my dad do miss his brother and his parents. Setiap yang hidup akan mati. I know my time will come too. But I hope I dapat mati dalam iman. Amin…..
Kampung Sabak Bernam
After nearly an hour there we when to visit my aunties that staying there at sabak. It’s just near with the grave about 15minuts driving. She was not at home that time only her son (abg atan) and his family. Daytime are such so different from night. You can see everything there. The pokok ciku that my brother ( Im ) and me play around dah tua sangat. It becomes an old tree. And they’re lots of new trees around. It just looks so different. Before this the old kampong house look great although is a very old house. It does belong to embah nanag house. Selalu lah diminyak kan the house. It’s a wood house. Dah tua sangat. Dulu we used to running around the house. Now its seems dah tak terjaga sangat. My auntie the one who stay there always go to her daughter house at Shah alam. Abg atan and his family are staying in that house. They have lots of kids. Small kids. I understand they don’t have lots of time focusing to the house.
After about 15minutes at that house we went to my other auntie house. Its just walking distance as my dad walk to her sister house. Rumah wak yam. Being renovated and bigger than originally. Her son working with Petronas and her daughter the one who pass away 8 months ago. She was there with her grand kids. Rumah wak yam…. When I was a kid, my brother and me always come there to spend our school holiday. Dulu till now wak yam teach kids reading Quran. Dea aja tak garang compare my mum.. kekeke;) So I have lots of friends at kampong that time. But once we grow we lost contact and forget about each other. Daytime kite org turun gie kebun koko wak yam cari koko. Banyak nyamuk biasalah tu. Koko pun banyak. Sambil sambil cari koko we cari cendawan gak, Wow the mushroom sedap sangat and banyak sangat. We just fried the mushroom and eat it like that… rasa macam ayam goring…. Depan rumah dulu ada kolam… we used to main kat sana. But now dah tak de. Pokok janda kaya pun dah tak de. Perigi buta pun I don’t think so ade. So diffrents now. I miss my old time.
Balik kampong for ramadhan this time seems so different. Seronok sangat.mengenang memori lama. memory lane lak katakan... At least I reduce my stress with currents things happen to me. Hope this ramadhan will be one of the best ramadhan. I wish it just like the ramadhan I used to celebrate in Uni. I try to go for terawikh NOT TRY but I go for terawikh everynite.. Insyallah….. till now I think… Jalan jalan balik kampong…. Sayang sekali I didn’t bring my camera other wise I can share with all…..
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