All of us do have own flavor. And this flavor keep on changing depends on the situation. Some times it can be as sweet as candy, as sour as lime as spicy as red hot chilly. I wanted to share will all what flavor that in me. Enjoy…
While at Pahang, singgah lah sat to Lea’s hometown. That was the first time in my life nampak sungai Pahang. Siap melintasi sungai lagi tu. Wanted to stop and take picture by the Pahang River, hmmmm tak dapat lah, since bawak budak kecik a bit hard lah. I ask Lea just snap some pictures of the Pahang River. Ok lah buat kenangan. Nasib baik tak berenang kekekekke. Lea told me, when she was still kid, her sibling and her mandi sungai pahang gitu. Masa tu bekalan air tak dea. That time the water tak lah warna the tarik mamak gitu. Its was cleaner since most of the villages using the water.
Atas jambatan Sungai Pahang.... Kalau kat Sungai Kelang tu kan Jambatan dea lagi cantik .. kekekekk sabo je lah :)
From infront Lea's house. Tak lah jauh sangat fro them to mandi sungai. Ala-ala best gitu. Dulu ada tangga tanag buatan sendiri. Lea cakap lah. For them to turun mandi. Cuci baju gak kat sana. Masa i was kid, zura and i always berangan cuci baju tepi sungai wal hal we were in the toilet. We have a good imagination. kekekekke
Jambu merah depan rumah lea..... Manarik untuk dimakan
Ade kerbau ngan anak nye sedang menyusu ibu. kat Pahang kalau kenduri kendara they prefer dagung kerbau than daging lembu.
Haziq yang hanya memakai cawat... Tak perasan Auntie save candid his picture :)
While resting at lea’s home Awa called….. as usual sister talk lah. Lama tak chatting with her. Awa and Paco still with no baby yet. Tak pe tak de rezeki lagi. Moreover Paco and Awa is studying and working. If they have baby its quit hard for them to manage everything. They planning to came back to Malaysia. Settle down here in Malaysia. It’s a very good news. Best nye if my sister balik balik. I really miss her. Best having her around. But only she can get paid RM10k a month and as well as Paco too. I don’t think so its hard for them to get that salary. Base on their experience and education level. Insyallah they will get. I will help them. Mana tau ade rezeki in Malaysia for them. She ask me “ How your new job?” kekekk not so new lah quit sometimes already. Dah confirm dah makcik. I answered her “ Which company that force you to have fun doing working hour? They entertain you by bringing artist and celebrity to you. Making sure you enjoy. Kekekekke” Yup the company having “ Raya Open Day” to celebrate the Eid Mubarak for the staff. Nearly one full day not working enjoying ourselves. Best kan. Of coz date due for assigment still remain the same. Its so fun working here. I admin stress memang stress but the way the company treat the staff berbaloi with the work. Awa happy for me. Some picture of our working fun day. I took some picture with the artists and the TV celebrities.
My small bro kat opis.... memula masuk Baik je. pendiam gitu. lelama boleh tahan gak pakcik nie. Tak padan kecik... kekekekke
My boss En Anual... Teaching us how to lipat tisu ala2 kat hotel gitu. He was doing part-time job masa study dulu
Pakcik Amin.... Nak inteprem gak... kui kui kui The gals in MIS Dept......
Dikelilingi oleh gadis ayus...... Shida or shila(anak Andi Lala) & Ayu. They were the finalist for One in the Million.... Kurus2 banget depa tu...... kat TV nampak cam berisi kat luar kurus giler. I wonder if I masuk TV mesti muke pun tak cukup muat. kekekekkeke
kekekkeke Jejaka tampan.... hmmmmm are they???? Ely Iskandar and Faizal FBI. Biler lagi nak gambo ngan dea org. Memang koje satu tempat jumpe tetiap hari but they dont even know me... kekekkeke
Nie kene paksa ambik gamba. Force Puan by Sofia kite nie. Was bz cari food then suddently Sofia asking me take picture with Encik Rahman (GMD). Giler ape nak ambik gamba berdua. kang gossip satu company. Wat else I force she join us. He is single, konon makcik sopiah nak kenen2 kan ngan i leh tu. But no lah... cannot one. kekekkeke
With Nita. Boleh tahan gak I nie kan. Not bad lah.....
With JJ. Abg JJ kite tu. He hav a very good voice.
Faizal AF 2. Ok lah pakcik tu. Friendly gitu. Ghanu kito.....
My God. We dont know who was he at the first place. Me, sopiah and hezrin lah. Almaklum lah. People keep on asking to take picture with him. I pun ape lagi. Apa yang make me interested coz he so tall. Damn tall. Guess who is he..... He is Nubhan, now his song byk lah kat corong2 radio gitu. So ape lagi kite org pun ambik kesempatan.... Ish teruk betol I nie. Kemaruk ambik gambar with the artis. What the first question I asked him " Adik nie bape tinggi?" 182cm..... My God he so talll......
Haryati Musa. I known her since my first year in UTM from Liza. Liza's block-mate, Block H23. And I move to that block in my 2nd year and she was the head of the block that time. She a very nice very very nice person and sangat manja. I felt like at home when I was with her. Sama-sama manja kan so on je lah. I nie suke tido bilik dea, moreover she staying alone and always invite me to lepak-lepak with her. We like to play makeup makeup (macam small kids kan) and I do my assignments or study in her room. That time I cant stand with my roommate ( tak sebulu and she like to bring her friends lepak in the room watching movie till early in the morning. I can’t concentrate on my study. Almaklumlah suke study malam. That the reasons for that semester I fail kan one of my subject and I moved to other block H5. Yati know why I moved to other block) .
Ok back to yatie’s story every time when I lepak and sleep at her place she always play with my ears. Suke sangat. Dea kata biler gentel-gentel my cuping telinga make her sleep. I miss old times.
Last 25th Oct was her wedding day. We lost contact for nearly 10 years. Lama giler. I met her online was about early October. She adds me in Yahoo Messenger. So jejak kasih lah alkisah nye. You know before she invites me to her wedding dea cakap nak buat reunion H23. Konon-konon je hmmmm . Sabo je lah. She said she worried if she told me the real reasons I wont geng lagi ngan dea. Almaklumlah single person mana geng ngan married women. Mana ade nye. For me semua pun sama. The only different is I tak leh lah ajak u lepak2 selalu when ur hubby around. Most of my friends are married so I know the rules. Kekekkekek . No worry. Hehehehhe
Last 25th Oct I went to her wedding kat Tring Pahang with Lea and her son ( Haziq). Almaklum lah kete auntie save nie kocik nye. So we traveled using my baby Kelisa to Pahang. Jauh banget perjalanan tu. And Haziq vomit in my car twice. Masa nak pergi and on the way balik. Saba je lah. Nak buat cam ne. Budak kecik and maybe haziq tak biasa travel naik kete kecik and maybe becoz of the road gak kot. Penat lah gak. From KL about 10am and we reached there about 12.30 pm. Ok lah kan. After 10 years Yatie look so different. She slim down abit and bertambah cantik. She a counselor at one of the school in Bentung. Cantik sanga. And her hubby kan comel. Shorter then her and I think Yusuf a funny guy same like her. Just judge him from the face lah but I don’t know the truth lah. At the wedding we met Midah. She forgot about me. And guess what sekarang midah bergaya. Tudung dah selempang2 dah but still tutup dada. Dulu alim sangat. Now she married with a son. Hmmmmmmm…… Im so happy for everyone. Below some picture enjoy…..
Yatie tengah di andamkan. This angle sebijik macam muka muda-muda dulu.. I recognizethis face
Me and yatie. Masa tengah mengandam.... Kacau lah sikit... dulu mekap sesama sendiri now ade yg make up kan.... I hate my eyes amat sepet... :(
Pengantin baru nak masuk rumah. Look closer to yatie's hubby. He look friendly and funny. Moga bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat. Amin Lea, haziq and yati.... Bergamba ngan pengantin baru
Lots of unexpected things happen last week. With my office work and unnecessary work that I shouldn’t do. Think before do something. Hmmmm what can I say, “ benda nak jadi”. It was consider the most expensive lesson that I had to pay. Internet Fraud. Business online and easily trust unnecessary people. When think back I was with logistic department for nearly 2 years but I still being cheated in the logistic part. Sabar je lah. Maybe that day I was so busy with meetings and at the same time the stupid courier guy. What had happen can’t be rewind but it is a lesson that need to be remembered. The first big lessons don’t trust people easily.
But one other thing that makes me I realize that I have very good and supportive friends around me when I really in need. Last year with the other group of friends were around and supporting this year too. Alhamdulillah. I really thank to Allah that give me a treasure of friends. Actually being nice to people Insyallah other will be nice to u too. Only some of stupid and bad people will come on and off. They will be around. Just remember what go up will come down and what goes around will come around.
Okay back to my story, I make a police report the day after at TTDI regarding the fraud and they transfer me to PJ Police Station. I really hate when people use a high tone when talking to me. Seems like scolding. Yes I admit that I make mistake. But did I use a high tone when talking to you? I was doing my best to be nice but why nak marah-marah. I’m so frustrated with the detective. Nak marah-marah je. Da……. Menyampah. I don’t know why when we make report one stupid question they will ask, “Why do you want to make a police report?” Stupid kan…… What a question my dear? Tak suke-suke je nak buat report… Boleh. I was so irritated with some of the question they asked. I don’t know one of the questions that I answered was, “ Sebenarnye saya malas nak buat report-report nie. Tapi sebab kawan-kawan paksa saya buat je. Kalau tidak saya tak buat nye”. Than I look at my friend who accompany me to the police station. He just smiles. After some Q and A seems the detective printing the report then I ask, “ Is that all”. I just can’t wait to go out from the station. Then he said, “ Tak, tunggu and borak-borak kejap lah”. Arrggggg sabar je lah. Then he was talking with my friend and I just buat muke sengeh-sengeh toye. It was late around 11.30pm. I was damn sleepy. Around 12 we went off.
Guess what, Tuesday morning the detective called me. He requested for the IP address. I told him I just can text message him but he insists to meet as he said he want the hard copy. Ok for the investigation, I can do it. Professional kan. He didn’t contact me and I was so busy yesterday, but at night I gave him a call and he was busy too. Ok then in the middle on the night he sms me. Ask me out for tea and other alasan nak ambik the IP address…… Now I know that pakcik nak ngorat lah pulak….. saba je lah. Hmmmmmm kalau mude lagi ok lah… hmmmmm I will be meeting him this weekend of coz I will bring my friend along. Kekekkekekek……. Macam-macam ada….. Police polis……..
Kawan-kawan jemput datang ke rumah saya, Ahad, 19 Oct 2008 dari pukul 12.30 hingga 8 mlm untuk Jamuan Hari Raya. Kepada sesiapa yang tidak tahu macam mana nak pergi rumah saya disertakan plan rumah saya. Rugi kalau tak datang….Kak Amiza doing her work :)... Serious nye makcik
En Elisa kite kalau tak bawak wife and daughter dea bertanduk sikit. And Hezrin hope cepat-cepat dapat baby. Boleh dokong anak sendiri. kekekek
Cik Noraida Ghani ngan anak Aisyah.
zainal ngan farrah. Sweet kan the gal. She such a lovely gal. ( Ayat jahat : Cam ne she can fall in love with Zainal.... Power nampaknye ayat2 zainal kot kekeke)
En El ngan aksi maut kekekekke....
Syamri and his wife
Hezrin menikmati bubur labu ;)
Adik Kak Mie. Cam ne nie kak mie adik lagi beso dari kakak. Sapa kakak sape adik ? kekekeke
Tot the changes from the GM for BI Report@Portal with Microsoft BI Designer will be easy that why I didnt do it weekdays, and buat the PRM first but this BI Report susah lah pulak. I dont want to touch the stored procedure, SQL syntax tp seems need to do some changes. The BI Report Designer nie leceh lah. Boring makcik... argggggg..... i need to be here in the office to finish it. No access of the server if buat kat umah.... arggggg...... Sabar..... Tu lah ingat kan 2nite i wan to writing lots of things in my blog tak pe lah nantie if i hav time i be writing. Nasib baik lah Zainal is around in the office. Hope he be going back home late...... Apa nak buat baya hutang keje . kekekekekke ;) . . . . . its already 10pm... been here since 2pm. need to go. Kecian lak zainal waiting for me... lagi pun2morrow nak start beraya as early as 9am bring along the kids... so need to go...Sorry lah en anual i will submit still on tuesday but late evening kot ;)
Why people keep on using me. Kenapalah I nie baik sangat. Lembut sangat hati nie. I nak gak hati buta keras hati. So people dont use me. Banyak sangat orang take advantage on me. But as usual... kekekkekek Life so bz now day. With the PRM and the Security system and since i nie dok carikan vendor in so when payment come im the one who vendor-vendor nie cari... Arrgggg and the finance so slow. stress makcik. and the PRM report with the BI portal make me crazy.... boring nye. And stupid things lately happen. I felt apa lah i nie. Arrrggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow quit some times we didn’t go out for swimming. I mean with my angles who else if not my handsome nephews and cute niece. So yesterday morning I wake up a bit late around 7.30 the kids are out watching Tv. So I ask alif ( the 2nd son) jom gie swimming… All of them so excited and rushing to find their swimming outfit. Including ayeesha my cute angle niece. Here some of our picture…Some of it taken by Luqman. Not bad for a 5 years old boy taking pictures
Aecah with her swiming outfit and wearing cik Ina nye cute shoe. kekekk
Cik Ina, Aecah and alif... This photo taken by luqman... terror oooo
The kids in the swiming pool
Cute Aliff and Luqman... konon-konon pandai swiming
Wat we call love? Am I in Love? How do we know its love....... Within this year I already fall in love with 2 guys. It’s so funny. All were a puppy love. A short term relationship..... 2 ke? I think with 3 guys hmmmmmm. Was a malay(M) guy a foreigner(F) and last one was an Indian (I) guy. kekekekkeke... what a taste kan. I know.
With M, I did try I accept him as what he is. But he can’t accept my family. He is the one who marrying me not my mum or my dad. I know my parents can accept him. Lagilah dea Jawa. My parents will love to have him. But coz of rendah diri he tarik diri. I dont mind what kind of job his having now. As long he work hard to improve himself. And he's not prepared to settle down. hmmmmm so I had to back off. What is a relationship if it just a relationship with out an ending. I do need to think about my future too.
And with F its so complicated. He is a very nice person. But he will not convert to Islam. And I don’t want him to convert just because of me. It’s not fair. Yes love is love but my love to Allah bigger than my love to him. Although I’m not that so alim but I love my creator, Allah. And I know his love for his creator is bigger then he love me. It’s fair for us not to be together. So abis lah.
With I, its funny he willingly to conver but there alot of problem. huh... tak tau lah...... pelik macam-macam masalah. So, he think he can’t continue with us, we break off and become a good friend. M, F and I are still around. We are good friend to each other. I think we are better friend then lover. hmmmmmm.
Lately I met some one. A foreigner too. I wish a Malay guy that approach me. Tapi tak de. His is a converted Muslim. Memenuhi my syarat. Tinggi, kaya, hansome and alim. kui kui kui. Hansome tu idak lah. Tapi sedap lah mata memandang. The best thing he is a muslim. And a very nice guy. hmmmm cair makcik. At first i was not so interested. Sebab i know my parents mesti stress lagi. Dah lah my 2nd sister married with a spain guy and fly there and now me. Kesian kan. Lagi pun i was a bit scared to fall in love agin. Almaklumlah its a painful process. But the way he is, make me melt. He is alim, the way dea cakap lah. It all Allah wills. All things happen because Allah wan it to happen. Another thing, although its a long distance relationship, he call me nearly everyday. And he told his friends about me. And I even chat with his fren.fuh... he is a very nice guy. If he the one for me, i will accept it. I love him…. He just called me. We talked more then an hour. UK to Malaysia… That cost a lot kan. (Saynag nye kat dea… hmmmmmm)
BUT Have I done wrong..... I told my mum about him. As usual lah... mesti kureng berkenan. She said " When u were with Hakem, I know it wont go right. Tak akan menjadi", " I dont wan u wasting ur time and money. Find a Malay guy. Tak kisah lah as long he is nice and alim"fuh.... how to answer that..... All thing happen because of a reasons. Life is short mak. I wan to try everything. Kalau kite tak cuba kita tak tau. Yes I admit i have gamble with my life. With my love life with my career but atleast i try kan. I can say "Been There, Done That". I know she worried abt me. Im the only daughter yang tak settle settle lagi. kkkekekek I do remember my dad said masa raya hari tu " Ina, semua benda yang tak baik yang ko buat akan bapak tanggung" I do undertstand that. But i can think and i already akil balikh. Wat i know kan, Segala dosa yg my dad tanggung is bende yang dea tak ajar or nasihat, but i know wat right and wrong so i do tanggun g my own sins kan? I hope so.
Ok back to the story, my mum cam tak berkenan she asked me to just be his fren. Wat she most worry is she worried if i settle down there and bcome servant. Jadi kuli kene dera.hmmmm tak tau lah emak nye. Ina memang tak tau. Itu semua di tangan Tuhan. I do my best and hope i get the best. And she advice me when i go to umrah later do lots of dua there. Now also she ask me to dua. I am doing it after each prayer. Yes if he for me, he will be. No worry. Know wat now i felt so guilty that i told her that i am in a relationship. hmmmmmm.... takut tak jadi lagi kang she will said" kan mak dah kata"....
God!!!! He was here this morning and i missed him. Hansomenye nye. Kat tepi je.... menyesalnye tak tego dea awal awal.... No worry he be around. No worry. Kalau jodoh tak ke mana Save nye ... kekekek
Dont know why this few days i malas sangat. hmmmmmm Sometimes i think im quit good lah with coding and programming.... but i hate doing that. Cam tak de life je. I wonder how the programmer can manage to do the same things every single day....... Bohsan nye..... What a life. Im back in the circle again........
I just finished watching Notting Hill again after for quit sometimes. yes people will love the song : When you say nothing at all. Sweet kan. But this tile i fall in love with this song. huh....... She
Artist - Notting Hill soundtrack Album - Notting Hill Lyrics - She
She may be the face I can't forget The trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song the summer sings May be the chill the autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of the day.
She may be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dream The smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell
She, who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows of the past That I'll remember till the day I die
She may be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I'm alive The one I'll care for through the rough and ready years Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears And make them all my souvenirs For where she goes, I've got to be The meaning of my life is...she
Dearest friends, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin. Sempena hari raya tahun ini, kami ingin menjemput rakan-rakan sekeluarga utk rumah terbuka kami pada hari Sabtu ini, 11 Okt 2008 bermula jam 12:30 tgh. Menu istimewa dari Serendah dan Seremban menanti anda.. Datang jgn tak datang!
Syima and Elisa daughter... Comel sangat kan. Auntie Save and Zafran. Zafran is Kak Ba's son. ( my new bro in law nye nama pun zafran) The singles...... MIS gang...... The newly married couple and expecting ;) The macho guy..... This guys kan. I think kan they will ended up 2gather kot. Kat pulau pun cam gitu gak. kekekekek...... This gal comel sangat. sangat sangat comel lah. If i hav a son for sure i book her for him...kekekkek
Hehheheh... talking abt this subject. I am one of the gals who doing it every single day on my way to office. Tak sempat lah nak makeup at home. Kalang kabut. Kang tak focus. Kekekekkek.
As im d driver i hav to use the middle mirror.. kkekek memang tak gune that mirror utk tengok kete belakang gune utk make up :)
Is it wrong? I’m not bothering others on the road or causing jam on the road. I just applying the make-up while its jam. Driving lah tp slow motion je. I start putting my lotion and compact powder while I’m heating up my engine. Start driving when stuck in the first jam I put my blusher if bad jam I manage to pun my eye shadow the black color ( ala-ala nak buat smoky eyes lah konon and nak nampak kan my eyes beso tak lah sepet sangat kang ;)) then the 2nd jam usually it will be before the Estin hotel.
Smoky eyes
That time I continue with the eyes. The colors that suitable with the cloth for the day. And the last item is my lipstick. Hehehehheheh senang je. Pastu check my neckless. I have a small collections of neckless in my car too.. Hahhaha semua pun ade in my car. My 2nd house lah kata kan. Once reach office, than check the shoe that suitable with my baju. After everything done the perfume lah. Itu pun kalau ingat.
Later i nak try buat ade letak eyeliner
While I was driving this morning, teringat something happen last few weeks ago while I was from Klang. Was driving and applying make-up in the middle of traffic jam, this uncle ( no so uncle lah around 40 kot Chinese guy) he was staring at me. When I look back at him, he was smiling at me. Mesti dea ingat budak nie dalam kete pun sempat lagi nak menacap muke. I smile back at him and wave hand to him. A small wave lah. As he smile back. The car start moving. Malu memang malu tapi hentam lah. He seems nice wat. Tarak sombong punye uncle. This morning the same thing happens. This time, I was from Cheras. This guy was looking at me when I’m putting my make-up. But when I look at him, he turns his face. Konon-konon not looking at me lah. Sebenarnye I pun malu but buat bodo aje lah. Hehehheheh……