Wow quit some times we didn’t go out for swimming. I mean with my angles who else if not my handsome nephews and cute niece. So yesterday morning I wake up a bit late around 7.30 the kids are out watching Tv. So I ask alif ( the 2nd son) jom gie swimming… All of them so excited and rushing to find their swimming outfit. Including ayeesha my cute angle niece. Here some of our picture…Some of it taken by Luqman. Not bad for a 5 years old boy taking pictures

Cik Ina, Aecah and alif... This photo taken by luqman... terror oooo

sudah macam mak la u nie save!
macam mak ke..... Mana ade... ala sedih nye. Im old but not that old. so sad :(. am I that old?
you're not old la... tapi macam hot mom!! :)
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