Guess wat... Malu nye sangat hari nie. Tot i dont want to have lunch as I already had heavy breakfast. Nasi lemak mamak gitu. As Aida tersangat lah hungry so we went down for lunch. Just accompany her as she took nasi ayam kunyit and i just took apple jus. Yes ntv 7 fully moved to Bandar Utama and who I met!!! I forget this guy nye nama but he was an ex UTM student and I went out with him couple of time. Strictly business matter. Lupe lak nama dea. I was quit shock and so malu nak tegur. Terasa nantie dea mesti mengata abt me. Kekkekekek.
Nak buat cerita nye, I just buat bodoh je and join my other friends. Our table is not full lah ade ruang-rung kosong boleh mengintai, guess wat he sit opposite my table with his group and facing me. My God!!! I angkat kepada depan je can see him. Wat to do, I inform Aida and ask her not to ask me anything now abt him. Takut dea perasan je. So today lunch dok asyik menoleh ke kanan to avoid facing him sakit lah leher. Later later lah when im prepared I will tegur him. I know he is the type of shy guy. Hmmmmmm… Nantie nantie if I meet him alone then I tegur. Malu nye....
malu apa nie saver...... ur crush zaman UTM ke??? hensem tak??
Hensen... kekekkekek so subjective lah hensem nie. NOOO... dont have any cruch on him since UTM till now pun..... Its just coz i tak tergur him i jadi malu. If i tegur dea tak malu kot... kekekekekkeke... tapi malu lah teramat sangat
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